Improve the effectiveness and operation of joint intergovernmental bodies (commissions, working groups, sub-committees) with the participation of Ukraine and its partner countries aiming at protecting national interests, business interests, and markets in focus: - ensure access to the information on their activities through: mutual exchange of information among joint intergovernmental bodies (between Ukraine and its partner countries) in respect of amendments to the legislation in part of procedural and other import requirements aiming at publishing this information; - preparation of countries’ overviews including problems that Ukrainian companies are facing on their markets and integration of this information into the information and analytical decision-making support system based on IT technologies for international trade

Info Updated
Leading national institutions: 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine
  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not completed
  • Planned according to a road map
I quarter
Analysis and preparation of a concept for the improvement of the effectiveness of joint intergovernmental bodies
IV quarter
Amendments to the legislation aiming at improving the effectiveness of joint intergovernmental bodies have been developed and adopted
IV quarter
A database on the economic performance of countries, their foreign trade policies and activities of joint intergovernmental bodies have been prepared, and access thereto ensured