Implementation status of plan of action of the Export strategy of Ukraine
(strategic trade development road map)
- Completed
- In progress
- Not completed
- Planned according to a road map
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (upon request)
Action 3.Improvement of legal and economic conditions for international trade
IV quarter
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations has been approved
In progress
0% |
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations has been approved |
IV quarter
IV quarter
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations and other measures have been implemented
Planned according to a road map
0% |
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations and other measures have been implemented |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Conditions for the development of a system for the online settlement of trade disputes and procedures for the online identification of reliable retail web platforms have been created
Planned according to a road map
0% |
Conditions for the development of a system for the online settlement of trade disputes and procedures for the online identification of reliable retail web platforms have been created |
IV quarter
III quarter
Trade protection legislation has been adopted based on the results of Q2 of 2018
100% |
Trade protection legislation has been adopted based on the results of Q2 of 2018 |
III quarter
IV quarter
Institutional capacity and the effectiveness of procedures for the protection of the interests of Ukrainian producers in international markets have been assessed; an action plan has been developed for the improvement of these procedures
100% |
Institutional capacity and the effectiveness of procedures for the protection of the interests of Ukrainian producers in international markets have been assessed; an action plan has been developed for the improvement of these procedures |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A system for the information and analytical decision-making support based on IT technologies and trade protection tools have been developed. The system includes a tool for calculations and shall provide the stakeholders with access to information about trade protection investigations as well as ensure information exchange with the investigating bodies
In progress
0% |
A system for the information and analytical decision-making support based on IT technologies and trade protection tools have been developed. The system includes a tool for calculations and shall provide the stakeholders with access to information about trade protection investigations as well as ensure information exchange with the investigating bodies |
IV quarter
I quarter
The new version of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine has been approved
100% |
The new version of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine has been approved |
I quarter
IV quarter
At least two strategies have been prepared based on the analysis of global economic development trends. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved sector, cross-sector and regional pilot export strategies (first of all, strategies for IT, machine building, creative industries, tourism, MRO, production of spares and components for aerospace and aircraft industry, trade information and export promotion, transport and trade facilitation, improvement of export skills, innovations for export)
In progress
0% |
At least two strategies have been prepared based on the analysis of global economic development trends. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved sector, cross-sector and regional pilot export strategies (first of all, strategies for IT, machine building, creative industries, tourism, MRO, production of spares and components for aerospace and aircraft industry, trade information and export promotion, transport and trade facilitation, improvement of export skills, innovations for export)
IV quarter
Action 4. Improvement of the coordination of TSIs involved in the implementation of trade policy and export development
III quarter
A concept has been developed for the operations of TSIs; regulations have been analyzed to build up the network of trade support institutions; the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a Resolution on the creation of the network of trade support institutions
In progress
0% |
A concept has been developed for the operations of TSIs; regulations have been analyzed to build up the network of trade support institutions; the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a Resolution on the creation of the network of trade support institutions |
III quarter
IV quarter
A memorandum of understanding between TSI participants has been prepared and signed
100% |
A memorandum of understanding between TSI participants has been prepared and signed |
IV quarter
II quarter
A set of measures has been prepared to intensify the participation of business associations in state policy formation for international trade development matters
100% |
A set of measures has been prepared to intensify the participation of business associations in state policy formation for international trade development matters |
II quarter
IV quarter
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2017
100% |
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2017 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2018
100% |
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2018 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2019
100% |
A monthly electronic bulletin containing information on exports and export promotion is published on a monthly basis in 2019 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A set of measures has been prepared to enhance sectoral associations as business representatives and to engage them in external consultations
100% |
A set of measures has been prepared to enhance sectoral associations as business representatives and to engage them in external consultations |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Joint measures are developed (at least two measures per year) with the participation of business associations to improve their coordination and cooperation
In progress
0% |
Joint measures are developed (at least two measures per year) with the participation of business associations to improve their coordination and cooperation |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2018
100% |
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2018 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2019
In progress
0% |
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2019 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2020
In progress
0% |
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2020 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2021
In progress
0% |
Annual campaigns on raising the awareness- and educational campaigns take place to promote existing services in trade and export promotion, use e-government services and to participate in international e-procurement in 2021 |
IV quarter
II quarter
The proposal has been submitted to establish the First Stop Export Web Portal
100% |
The proposal has been submitted to establish the First Stop Export Web Portal |
II quarter
III quarter
Software solutions have been developed to establish the First Stop Export Web Portal
In progress
0% |
Software solutions have been developed to establish the First Stop Export Web Portal |
III quarter
II quarter
Measures have been taken to ensure the functioning of the First Stop Export Web Portal
100% |
Measures have been taken to ensure the functioning of the First Stop Export Web Portal |
II quarter
Action 5. Improvement of coordination and cooperation within the network of institutions providing trade and business support services to exporters
II quarter
The Cabinet of Ministers resolution has been prepared and adopted to determine the list of priority annual international exhibitions and ensure participation of Ukraine in these events
100% |
The Cabinet of Ministers resolution has been prepared and adopted to determine the list of priority annual international exhibitions and ensure participation of Ukraine in these events |
II quarter
IV quarter
The Cabinet of Ministers resolution has been prepared and adopted to determine the procedure for funding the participation of Ukraine in international exhibitions abroad; the uniform graphic design for the national stands of Ukraine at international exhibitions has been approved
100% |
The Cabinet of Ministers resolution has been prepared and adopted to determine the procedure for funding the participation of Ukraine in international exhibitions abroad; the uniform graphic design for the national stands of Ukraine at international exhibitions has been approved |
IV quarter
IV quarter
An awareness-raising campaign has been conducted for Ukrainian business to inform about possibilities to participate in international exhibitions and trade shows
100% |
An awareness-raising campaign has been conducted for Ukrainian business to inform about possibilities to participate in international exhibitions and trade shows |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A list of countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners has been approved
100% |
A list of countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners has been approved |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Information and analytical support system based on IT technologies for all trade missions that will be represented on the export web portal to facilitate decision-making has been developed. Information on scheduled trade missions is subject to regular updates
In progress
0% |
Information and analytical support system based on IT technologies for all trade missions that will be represented on the export web portal to facilitate decision-making has been developed. Information on scheduled trade missions is subject to regular updates |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Preparation of reviews of strategic markets to involve Ukrainian companies into trade missions and exhibitions
100% |
Preparation of reviews of strategic markets to involve Ukrainian companies into trade missions and exhibitions |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners
100% |
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners
100% |
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners
In progress
0% |
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners
In progress
0% |
Tools have been developed for the effective promotion of Ukrainian goods (works, services) in international markets by arranging permanent trade missions in countries being Ukraine’s strategic trade partners |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A set of measures has been developed and approved to promote establishing and developing direct business contacts between Ukrainian exporters and foreign partners, as well as to improve the information and analytical support to enable decision-making based on IT technologies for all trade missions that will be represented on the export web portal
In progress
0% |
A set of measures has been developed and approved to promote establishing and developing direct business contacts between Ukrainian exporters and foreign partners, as well as to improve the information and analytical support to enable decision-making based on IT technologies for all trade missions that will be represented on the export web portal |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A set of measures has been implemented to promote elaboration and development of direct business contacts between exporters and international partners
100% |
A set of measures has been implemented to promote elaboration and development of direct business contacts between exporters and international partners |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A database that contains information on external experts and entities that can consult and inform on selected sectors of the economy and international markets has been prepared and implemented
In progress
0% |
A database that contains information on external experts and entities that can consult and inform on selected sectors of the economy and international markets has been prepared and implemented |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A set of measures has been prepared to encourage the creation of private providers of trade support services, including training and consultations involving sector and business associations
In progress
0% |
A set of measures has been prepared to encourage the creation of private providers of trade support services, including training and consultations involving sector and business associations |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year
100% |
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year
100% |
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year
100% |
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year
In progress
0% |
Training and consultations are conducted at least once a year |
IV quarter
Action 6. Business activities are fostered among companies (especially small and medium-sized businesses) and youth
II quarter
The first information campaign has taken place
100% |
The first information campaign has taken place |
II quarter
IV quarter
Annual information campaigns take place in 2019
100% |
Annual information campaigns take place in 2019 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual information campaigns take place in 2020
100% |
Annual information campaigns take place in 2020 |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Annual information campaigns take place in 2021
In progress
0% |
Annual information campaigns take place in 2021 |
IV quarter
Action 7. Improvement of the management skills among the employees (including small and medium-sized business)
IV quarter
Steps have been taken to ensure participation of small and medium-sized companies led by women and youth in programs aimed at improving professional skills and qualifications in line with the strategical and operational objectives determined by this action plan
In progress
0% |
Steps have been taken to ensure participation of small and medium-sized companies led by women and youth in programs aimed at improving professional skills and qualifications in line with the strategical and operational objectives determined by this action plan |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A pilot project has been developed and implemented for one action plan in each region
In progress
0% |
A pilot project has been developed and implemented for one action plan in each region |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A system of incentives for exporters has been established
In progress
0% |
A system of incentives for exporters has been established |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A pilot program has been developed and implemented to up-skill employees of export companies in one of the priority sectors
100% |
A pilot program has been developed and implemented to up-skill employees of export companies in one of the priority sectors |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Development and implementation of a program to improve management skills among enterprises
100% |
Development and implementation of a program to improve management skills among enterprises |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
100% |
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress
0% |
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress
0% |
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress
0% |
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A pilot project on the introduction of efficiency management system for exporters has been developed and implemented in one of the priority sectors
Not completed
0% |
A pilot project on the introduction of efficiency management system for exporters has been developed and implemented in one of the priority sectors |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced
Planned according to a road map
0% |
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced
Planned according to a road map
0% |
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced |
IV quarter
Action 8. Match the educational system with the needs of the business (especially SMEs)
IV quarter
A comprehensive study has been conducted to identify reasons for informal employment
In progress
0% |
A comprehensive study has been conducted to identify reasons for informal employment |
IV quarter
IV quarter
A set of measures has been approved, and amendments to the Labour Code of Ukraine have been adopted
In progress
0% |
A set of measures has been approved, and amendments to the Labour Code of Ukraine have been adopted |
IV quarter
IV quarter
An effective ongoing dialogue has been established among business, research institutions and vocational training institutions to strengthen cooperation for the qualified personnel training
100% |
An effective ongoing dialogue has been established among business, research institutions and vocational training institutions to strengthen cooperation for the qualified personnel training |
IV quarter
IV quarter
Training programs and curriculum have been examined to identify if they match the needs of business and to improve employment opportunities for the graduates of vocational training institutions
100% |
Training programs and curriculum have been examined to identify if they match the needs of business and to improve employment opportunities for the graduates of vocational training institutions |
IV quarter
IV quarter
The vocational training system in the selected priority sectors has been improved
In progress
0% |
The vocational training system in the selected priority sectors has been improved |
IV quarter