Implementation status of plan of action of the Export strategy of Ukraine

(strategic trade development road map)

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not completed
  • Planned according to a road map

Action 7. Improvement of the management skills among the employees (including small and medium-sized business)

IV quarter
A pilot project on the introduction of efficiency management system for exporters has been developed and implemented in one of the priority sectors
Not completed
IV quarter
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced
Planned according to a road map
IV quarter
Efficiency management system for enterprises has been introduced
Planned according to a road map
IV quarter
Steps have been taken to ensure participation of small and medium-sized companies led by women and youth in programs aimed at improving professional skills and qualifications in line with the strategical and operational objectives determined by this action plan
In progress
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress
IV quarter
Training programs in foreign languages, as well as vocational training and education programs, have been disseminated among exporters
In progress