Implementation status of plan of action of the Export strategy of Ukraine

(strategic trade development road map)

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not completed
  • Planned according to a road map

Action 1. Strengthening the institutional framework to stimulate innovations

II quarter
Preparation and adoption of regional plans for the establishment and development of innovative technology centers
In progress
IV quarter
Preparation and adoption of the innovations support plan for each of the priority clusters
In progress
IV quarter
Implementation of projects aimed at establishing 25 regional innovative technology centers
Planned according to a road map

Action 3.Improvement of legal and economic conditions for international trade

IV quarter
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations has been approved
In progress
IV quarter
The plan for the harmonization of Ukrainian e-commerce regulations with EU regulations and other measures have been implemented
Planned according to a road map
IV quarter
Conditions for the development of a system for the online settlement of trade disputes and procedures for the online identification of reliable retail web platforms have been created
Planned according to a road map